
Personality Assessment For Men

There are no right or wrong answers.  This assessment reflects your interaction style and potential for a better experience in life.

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Question 1 of 22

What are 3 things you'd like to be experiencing or know the answer to that aren't present in your life right now?

Question 2 of 22

Your age


Under 25









Question 3 of 22

Relationship Status


Single to focus on me


Single, but would like to be with someone


Dating, in a relationship where we've lived together less than 3 years


In a relationship, but I see things I'd like to have that aren't in it.


With the same partner for 3+ years and I keep discovering more I like about them

Question 4 of 22



No kids


Kids, but none at home.


Kids under 18 I see less than 50% of the time.


Still have kids under 18 or over 18 at home and not ready to be on their own.


Share kids in a blended family with one or more with us.

Question 5 of 22

A) How do you feel about your current financial situation?


A) I don’t have savings or steady income, but I’ve never really concerned myself with money as much as other things in life.


B) Sometimes I’m up, but I feel like one big crisis and I’ll be in trouble.


C) I’m taking on debt for education or upgrading towards better future opportunities.


D) I’m comfortable, but nothing locked in place enough to visualize retirement.


E) All my financial responsibilities are covered with money left over to secure the future for myself and those I love.

Question 6 of 22

If you had to make an extra $1,000 or 20% a month (which ever is more) next year, how would you do it?


A) Don't know that I could. Might need to downsize.


B) Probably have to work 20% more.


C) Would involve upgrading, moving for better opportunities or new ideas in business.


D) Consistently earn more every year on the path I’m on already.


E) I’m in a different place in life than most and at this point I look for opportunities to invest the wealth I’ve built in places I think I can make a difference.

Question 7 of 22

How would you describe your sense of purpose, unique contribution and drive to contribute to a better future?


A) I am in the midst of a crisis of identity where I feel lost or anxious about what the point of me being here is.


B) Some days I think I’ve nailed it, some days it feels like it’s falling apart and I question if I’m doing the right thing or even that maybe I’m a fraud.


C) I’m taking care of life with what I’m doing, I don’t necessarily know if there’s anything more I need to do to define me.


D) I have a clear vision and inspiration about who I'm working at being and how it will matter.


E) I'm clear on my purpose as every area of my life and the way I show up in it makes a measurable difference, is appreciated by those I serve and would be significantly missed even if someone else was dropped into any of my roles.

Question 8 of 22

If the person you most respected knew every bit of your life - what you’re up to where no one knows you or can see you, your browser history, your darker thoughts…


A) I worry that I’d be rejected if someone I respected knew everything about me.


B) I burn energy keeping things in my life hidden from those I respect.


C) I guess everyone’s got secrets, mine probably aren’t a big deal on average.


D) I struggle with some stuff, but I’ve got a plan and good resources to get to the point I won’t have to hide, lie or make excuses about anything.


E) There is someone I respect that basically knows everything about me and that’s why there’s no one they’d rather spend time with.

Question 9 of 22

How do you feel about the burden society, family and women demand from men?


A) Not much about me or more lifestyle reflects “traditional masculinity”.


B) I'm worried that people who matter will find out I’m a fraud and not want me if they knew who I really am under the front I put forward.


C) Even though I feel I do what is required as a responsible adult, I struggle with this in certain aspects of what I think a man should know or be able to do well - financially, professionally, relationally, emotionally or spiritually.


D) I'm comfortable and confident about how I show up and what I contribute, and while there are still times people don't appreciate how hard I'm working it doesn't stop me from pushing forward.


E) I am uniquely comfortable and centered in my identity and it's reinforced daily by the people I support by way of them acknowledging what I contribute.

Question 10 of 22

In High School there was the "Hot Girl", the "Popular Girl" and the "Unattainable Girl".  How do you feel around those kinds of women now that you're older?


A) I don’t get attention or have sexual access to these kinds of women unless they believe I have money.


B) I can get desirable women, but after the initial attraction wears off the complaints and fighting starts.


C) I see other men who make connections with women like these, but I do ok if I stay in my lane.


D) The women I’m highly attracted to open up to me, but they’d rather complain about their relationships than choose a man like me.


E) It takes something even more special than that for me to notice a woman these days and the ones who interest me return the interest.

Question 11 of 22

When do you lie?


A) It's important to tell the truth, no matter how embarrassing, uncomfortable, revealing or unpleasant is is for me or who I'm sharing it with.


B) It’s a primal reaction that kicks in to protect something I don’t want to reveal.


C) White lies are ok if no one will know and no one gets hurt. No need to stir things up or make things uncomfortable when they don't need to be.


D) I’m sensitive to others and politically correct to the point that I realize I put their feelings ahead of my own and sacrifice deep primal feelings I ache to express.


E) I reveal my truth in layers depending on the level of connection I have with someone. If I lie it’s a weight that I carry to take care of the feelings of others, not to hide things about myself.

Question 12 of 22

What are you like when people you sympathize with are in crisis or danger?


A) I’ve never been the one running towards danger. I’m doing the sane thing and getting as far away from it as I can.


B) My “Hero Response” is instant and intense when it comes to standing up to injustice or rescuing those close to me. I’m the one charging towards danger, but too often realize I over-committed and that’s when people feel let down.


C) There are all kinds of people, organizations and institutions that exist to help people in these situations. That’s what I recommend.


D) I see no end of injustice and pain people are suffering. I can lose sleep or productivity if I don’t force myself to stop thinking about it.


E) There’s no end of things to support or improve. The best way for me to contribute is to become as financially and socially powerful in order to have the currency to affect it.

Question 13 of 22

When so you get angry?


A) I do everything possible to avoid conflict. I don’t get angry often, but if I get pushed that far there’s no knowing what will happen.


B) I warn people about pushing my buttons, I’m not going to be held responsible for what happens when people ignore those warnings.


C) I think mostly we can just let people be. I’d rather make a few concessions to avoid conflict and if that proves impossible I’ll adjust to avoid those people or circumstances again.


D) What makes me frustrated is when others can’t see how there’s a solution where everyone can win, but they can’t be reasoned with or give up their fight.


E) I can experience massive stress even with my family and it won’t become a fight. My calm in those situations makes others feel safe - and I tend to be the most anchored person in the lives of my loved ones and acquaintances.

Question 14 of 22

How do you deal with stress, conflict and confrontations with a woman?


A) Anything I have to do or compromise to keep the peace with a woman is better than getting into a woman’s impossible looping conversations.


B) Women are impossible. If I don’t have the answer she wants I’ll tell her what she wants to hear and do what I’m going to do anyway.


C) We’re never going to agree on everything, so sometimes we’ll have to compromise. If a woman isn’t capable of that, I’ll need to find one who is


D) I try to explain how what I’m doing is actually for all of us, but she doesn’t get it so she gets mad or gives up and makes decisions without me.


E) I insist that even uncomfortable conversations happen in an energy of dignity and respect. Taking a break is ok, but refusing to talk, passive aggressiveness or personal attacks won’t happen more than once before I let someone go.

Question 15 of 22

What's your process for having uncomfortable conversations in a relationship?


A) Mostly avoid at all costs.


B) There’s always something I’m not doing the way she wants bubbling under the surface. It usually pops off when we’re in a hurry or under extra stress.


C) We mostly have our roles figured out. Unless something dramatic shifts in her expectations we’ll coast along pretty good. Not sure why women have those big shifts though.


D) I always think there’s a way I can get her to see that what I’m doing is best for us both. Instead she accuses me of more things and it gets worse.


E) We let each other know that there’s something potentially uncomfortable we’ll need to go over and wait until we’re both in centered energy to work through it.

Question 16 of 22

The more a woman gets to know me


A) The more I find myself lying or denying things because I don't want her upset with me when I'm late, forget or mess up.


B) I have some standard go to excuses I use often enough that people expect it of me when I let them down.


C) I find myself rehearsing explanations that are the most believable and acceptable under the circumstances.


D) Everyone leads with the best they have to offer and expects that as you get to know people you're going to find and decide if you're ok with the rest.


E) I'm careful with the commitments I make, I get done what I say I'll do, when I say it will be done and am aware that there are unspoken expectations that are part of the equation as well.

Question 17 of 22

When it comes to sex


A) I'm not completely comfortable with my body, my performance or ability to be the best a woman’s had and that anxiety affects relationships and my performance.


B) Super hot when we’re just getting to know each other, but once it becomes a serious relationship the sex starts going downhill.


C) I can have a long-term relationship no problem, that’s more important than a sex life that would make other couples envious.


D) I'm super respectful and communicate how I'm feeling like a gentleman - subtly and tactfully. It’s incredibly frustrating to get shut down when I’ve been doing everything she’s asked.


E) It's obvious to me when a woman is interested. I have more opportunity and interest than I choose to invest and women's response is almost embarrassingly dramatic after.

Question 18 of 22

What do you do if there’s something a woman needs to hear that you know she’s not going to like?


A) To avoid it whenever possible and as long as possible. Easier to just live with it than piss her off.


B) Drop hints and hope that she picks it up. If that doesn't work and it's really important to address it will probably be an unavoidable fight.


C) Blurt it out. Best to take the "Band-Aid" approach and get it over with because you can't win no matter how you bring it up.


D) This gives me so much anxiety because I don’t want to hurt her feelings, but I haven’t figured out how to do it with her getting upset - but I keep trying.


E) Be mindful about bringing it up to her when she has space to hear it and room in her life to work on it if I know it’s going to take her some effort.

Question 19 of 22

If you were convinced that there was someone who had the answers you were looking for, what would feel like the safest way to explore your biggest insecurities?


A) On my own with a book, podcast or YouTube series


B) Speaking to a woman I felt I could be totally myself with


C) Participating in a structured program with measurable goals and timetable.


D) Speaking with a man who uniquely understood my experience.


E) I really feel like I’m past my insecurities and other people look at my relationship as the standard they want for themselves. It would be interesting to talk to another couple who everyone asks for the secret to an amazing relationship.

Question 20 of 22

What’s it going to take for you to fully commit to being the kind of man you want to be and having a connection with a woman that’s the absolute best part of life?


A) I have a hard time imagining it's even possible.


B) Right now it’s “Do or die” kind of pressure


C) As long as I can keep up my other responsibilities, I’m ready to see what I can do.


D) I feel like this is all I’ve been doing, but somehow the results aren’t there.


E) I have everything I want in life and my relationship. Now I’m shifting a bit of focus from the success I’ve been having to understanding why people think relationships like mine aren’t possible for them.

Question 21 of 22

Anything you think is important to add for us to understand your circumstances in order to point you to the method that will get you what you're looking for you can add here.

Question 22 of 22

It's helpful, but not necessary, if you provide a social media profile that shows the version of you that you let the world see.  If you're comfortable sharing that we'll use it to add context to any feedback we provide.

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